It can be incredibly stressful to be the victim of a car accident. The shock that follows the accident could impact your ability to think clearly. It’s important to know that your actions immediately following an accident could have a direct impact on your personal injury case. Having a clear understanding of how to manage the situation will be helpful in the event that you are confronted by such a situation. It will be important to approach all involved such as insurance adjusters and other parties with caution, especially immediately following the accident, your actions could have result in a reduction in the amount you are awarded, or even a complete denial of your claim.
You could face fines and other penalties if you lie about injuries you received. This is never a good idea as this is considered to be a type of fraud. Being as truthful as possible about what has occurred is the best way to ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to. Any misstep, even accidental, could result in the insurance company accusing you of intentionally being dishonest which could impact a successful claim.
Missed Medical Appointments
It is common for people to stop being consistent about their medical care when their health begins to improve. This is a misstep that sends the wrong message to insurance companies. It could leave them believing that your condition is not as bad as you have let on. Be aware that insurance companies commonly check in around whether or not doctor’s appointments are being attended as recommended by the doctor. Regardless of how you are feeling, it is important that all doctor’s appointments are attended as long as they are required by the doctor.
It will be hard to prove a personal injury case without the necessary documentation. Producing accident reports, medical expenses and records, pay check stubs etc will help in proving the personal injury case. No matter how insignificant, the smallest piece of information may be incredibly beneficial.
Social Media
People love to document every detail about their lives, including personal injuries. This should be approached with caution, as any information obtained from social media sites such as Instagram or Facebook could be seen by the insurance adjuster. Always be sure that you have the appropriate information to ensure that you have set adequate privacy settings.
It’s important to contact a personal injury lawyer Harrisonburg VA residents trust if you find yourself in a situation like this. Insurance companies take on an “every man for themselves” type of mentality. If found in this circumstance, it is more important than ever to avoid common pickles people often find themselves in. An insurance company will use any piece of negative evidence that they can against you to avoid paying what you are entitled to.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Martin Wren, P.C., for their insight into personal injury.