It’s understandable you want to find a way to pay for the costs incurred after your car accident, but you may wonder whether it’s worth pursuing a case. Your lawyer can assist you in deciding whether to sue the other party, but the following are three factors that you can consider to get started.
It could take a lot of time and money to pursue a case against the other driver. Are the damages sufficient to warrant the kind of time and money it will take? Damages include the following, and if they carry high costs, you could check this off your list.
- Medical Costs – This could include those costs that were immediately necessary, such as emergency care, as well as future care if your injuries are permanent.
- Lost Wages – This could include the amount of money you lost immediately after your accident, and could also include future lost wages if you have permanent disabilities that prevent you from going back to work either full time or part time.
- Pain and Suffering – This could include loss of enjoyment of life, loss of consortium, depression and other types of suffering you experienced due to your accident and your injuries.
It’s great if you have sufficient damages to win a case and receive compensation, but if there is no source from which to obtain your settlement, it won’t do you much good. If the individual you are suing is unemployed, doesn’t own a home, doesn’t own a car and basically doesn’t have any assets, you may never see your settlement. This might make it difficult to pay for your court case. If the source of the case does have sufficient assets, you could check this one off your list as well.
For your case to hold up and end in your favor, you’ll need the liability facts to show the other driver failed to act as any other driver would ordinarily act, thus resulting in the accident and your injury. You could use photographs from the accident, witness statements and other types of evidence to offer these facts to the court. If you don’t have any fact-based evidence, speak with your attorney about how difficult or easy it might be to prove liability. If there are plenty of facts, you can check that off your list.
Contacting an Attorney
Perhaps the best way to determine whether it’s worth pursuing a case after a car accident is by asking a lawyer. Consider speaking with a car accident attorney, like an attorney at Patterson Bray . They will be able to help you receive maximum compensation after your accident.