Truck drivers spend long hours behind the wheel and are often on strict deadlines. That doesn’t leave much time for them to cook and prepare healthy meals. Many drivers stop at fast food restaurants and gas stations to eat because it is convenient and quick. Unfortunately, however, these foods have little nutritional value and can leave truck drivers fatigued. The more tired these drivers are, the more likely they are to cause an accident. Here are some healthy eating tips for truck drivers:
Remember to Eat Breakfast
Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. A healthy meal in the morning can provide truck driver with loads of energy and prevent them from overeating junk food later on in the day. Some healthy on-the-go breakfasts for truck drivers include hard boiled eggs, fruit and string cheese. They can store these foods in a cooler.
Invest in a Mini Slow Cooker
Mini slow cookers allow truck drivers to make their own meals in the comfort of their trucks. They can cook a variety of healthy foods in these slow cookers, including chicken, potatoes and rice.
Don’t Go Too Long Without Eating
Because truck drivers spend hours on the road without stopping, they may go a long time without eating something. This can cause them to become so hungry that they overeat or eat something unhealthy. It is a good idea for truck drivers to keep several healthy snacks in their truck, like almonds, whole grain crackers, trail mix and dried fruit.
Drink Plenty of Water
It is important for truck drivers to stay hydrated with water while on the road. Not drinking enough water can lead to dizziness, headaches and fatigue, which can make it difficult to concentrate on the road. Truck drivers should aim to drink at least eight cups of water a day. They should try to stay away from caffeinated beverages, as they can be dehydrating.
Plan Your Route
If you plan your route ahead of time, you can get to your destination on time and maintain a healthy diet. You can figure out what restaurants you can stop at along the way that offer healthy options.
Avoid Eating Before Bedtime
It isn’t recommended for truck drivers to eat a big meal too close to bedtime. Doing so can cause their digestive organs work too hard, making it difficult for their body to wind down. Truck drivers who eat right before they go to bed may have trouble falling and staying asleep. Drivers who get hungry before bedtime should drink a glass of water and eat a piece of fruit.
If you were hit by a truck driver, you may want to speak to a truck accident lawyer right away. You may be entitled to compensation. A lawyer may help you build a strong case and protect your legal rights. Call a lawyer to discuss your case.