Personal Injury Lawyer
There are a number of Uber accident claims involving driver distraction. Any distracted driver can be a risk to other drivers on the road, but especially motorcyclists. For every 100,000 motorcyclists driving in the U.S., approximately 72 will be injured in an accident. This number makes a collision around 5 times more likely on a motorcycle than a car.
Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident with an Uber Driver
An accident involving a motorcycle and an Uber car can be devastating, particularly because of the size difference of the vehicles. If you have been involved, an injured, in an accident involving an Uber driver, you should proceed with caution. The following steps may be of use.
Contact Emergency Services – Regardless of what has happened you should call 911 or the hospital. Be sure to summon the police and ensure they make a police report.
Take Photos – Should your injuries allow for it, it is recommended to take photos of the scene. These should include your injuries, all vehicles, the damage, the surroundings, the weather, and anything else that may be relevant.
Gather Information – Take time to gather the insurance and contact information of the Uber driver, any other drivers, and also witnesses. If the Uber driver had a passenger in the car, you should also get their information.
Be Mindful of What You Say – Make an effort to avoid saying things like “Don’t worry, I’m okay”, or “It’s not your fault”, or “I’m sorry”. Statements like these can limit your ability to file a claim. Bare in mind that Uber drivers tend to use dash cams and other recording devices. If you’re unsure about who is to blame, it may be better to say nothing at all.
Get Help – If it’s obvious that your injured, medical attention should be your first priority – even if that means you cannot do any of the above. If you don’t feel injured, you should still go to the hospital for an exam.
Don’t Sign Anything – Following your accident, you may be asked to sign a document to receive a settlement. This is commonly asked for by Uber driver’s insurance companies or Uber. It may be tempting to accept a settlement, but you should not do so until you have spoken with an Uber accident lawyer. This is especially true if the insurance company is saying it has compensated you with extra money.
Call an Uber Accident Lawyer – Following a motorcycle collision involving an Uber driver, it is advisable to retain an Uber accident lawyer to ensure you receive maximum damages.
Bare in mind that the process may vary depending on the state in which the accident happened. Fault and no-fault state have different laws which could make it more or less difficult to recover compensation. Overall, Uber has policies in place that govern how damages will be paid in the event of an accident. By choosing to have a lawyer for Lyft accident case in Washington, DC on your side, you can ensure your rights and interests will be protected.
Thanks to Cohen & Cohen, P.C. for their insight into personal injury claims and Uber accidents involving motorcycles.