If you are like many Americans, you may have more debt than you know how to repay. If you’re struggling, bankruptcy is always an option. If you decide that this is the right step for you, you may not want to file it on your own. Having a bankruptcy lawyer can provide you with a streamlined approach to bankruptcy. A lawyer can also help you to avoid three common mistakes.
Failing to File for the Correct Bankruptcy
Do you understand bankruptcy and the different types of bankruptcy that you can file? The difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that Chapter 7 dissolves your debt and Chapter 13 helps you to manage your debts through payments. Which one you qualify for depends on your specific situation. You have to consider your debts and your income level. The lawyer can help you file for the right bankruptcy.
Once you file for bankruptcy, the lawyer can make sure that the debt collectors cannot contact you further. An automatic stay is enforced when filing for bankruptcy.
Failing to Comply with Bankruptcy Requirements
If you do not comply with the bankruptcy requirements, then you could lose your case. The attorney knows the requirements to file for bankruptcy. He or she can also advise you as to whether bankruptcy is a good idea.
Some common requirements include a credit counseling class, court filing fees, a creditor’s meeting appearance, and obedience to any court order. If you fail to comply with any one of these, it can result in an automatic dismissal and denial of your request.
Failing to File Correct Forms on Time
When you miss deadlines, your entire case could break down. If you do not file all of the appropriate forms or include all of your debts, then the court could deny your request. A bankruptcy lawyer knows bankruptcy law inside and out. He or she knows the correct documents that you need to file, the documentation that you need to have, and the deadlines for filing. He or she can keep you on schedule to ensure that your case is not thrown out.
An attorney is there to advise you on your bankruptcy. Not only will he or she help you choose the appropriate bankruptcy to file, but he or she can lead you through the process. Any mistake can ruin your case. To find out more about your bankruptcy case, consult with a lawyer, like a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer from the Law Offices of Ronald I. Chorches, as soon as possible.