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Going through a divorce is difficult enough as it is. When kids are thrown into the mix, it can make the situation even more complicated. Divorces can be especially hard on children, so you have to be extraful about what you say to yours during this time.
Here are a few things you should never say to your kids during a divorce.
Your Mom/Dad Is a Bad Person
It’s natural to have some ill feelings toward your ex-spouse. However, no matter how much you dislike your ex, you shouldn’t ever talking poorly about his or her character in front of your kids. Just because he or she wasn’t a good spouse, doesn’t mean he or she isn’t a good parent. Remember that your children are half of each parent. If you berate the other parent in front of them, they may feel berated too.
You’re the Reason We’re Getting a Divorce
Under no circumstances should you place any blame on your children. They likely already believe they’re partly to blame for the divorce, and saying something like this will just confirm their feelings. Instead, tell your children that they didn’t do anything wrong and shouldn’t blame themselves for the divorce.
Stop Crying
While it can be difficult to see your children cry, you should never try to suppress their emotions. Divorce can be very frightening for children and crying can help them release some of their built up emotions. If you tell your children to stop crying, they may feel ashamed for expressing their emotions and keep them bottled up from now on.
I’ll Be Lonely While You’re Away
It’s understandable that you’ll miss your kids while they’re visiting the other parent. However, you shouldn’t tell them how lonely you will be until they get back. They may feel guilty and like they’re somehow responsible for your happiness.
You’re Just Like Your Dad/Mom
If you get mad at your kids, refrain from telling them that they’re just like the other parent. You’re divorcing this person, so you obviously don’t like being around him or her anymore. If you tell your children that you’re like the other parent, they might think that you don’t like them anymore either.
I Can’t Believe Your Dad/Mom Didn’t Show Up Again
If your ex hasn’t shown up for a visitation again, it can be tempting to call him or her out in front of your kids. However, your kids are upset enough. If you continue to harp on the issue, they will just feel worse. Instead, comfort them.